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What Does Beauty Really Cost?

Yes! We all want to be beautiful no matter what. We are shown what is classed as as beauty on a regular basis by the media. Fashion models who look like bean poles and who cant possibly eat chocolate or cream cakes as this would be the ultimate sin.

In reality they probably eat very little!

We are all made to be beautiful in our own way! it might not necessarily be in the way the media portray.

This is a good thing as it would be a rather boring world if we all looked exactly the same.

Time is also a big factor as we struggle to fight against it,nobody likes growing old, but are we really winning or delaying the inevitable?

What is all of this really costing us? we spend millions of pounds a year in the UK on beauty products and treatments.

How many of us know what we are really using in these products? We heard recently about parabens possibly causing cancer yet manufacturers still produce products containing them which we buy and use!

We need to look at what we are buying and what they contain!

Would you knowingly eat something containing poison or harmful ingredients? I know i wouldn't,yet we regularly buy and use thing to so called make ourselves more beautiful without reading the labels.

Here are some of the many things to look for:

DEA,MEA,TEA(not the kind you drink) are irritants which dry the hair and skin ,also known as allergens
METHYL,PROPYL,BUTYL & ETHYL PARABENS: are food grade preservatives-used to preserve products and extend there shelf-life. considered to be highly toxic and have been found in cancerous tumors ,also allergens.
ISOPROPYL:poisonous solvent used in many products.
IMIADAZOILDINYL UREA:formaldehyde-forming preservatives,known to weaken the immune system.
PROPYLENE GLYCOL: wetting agent and solvent main ingredient in antifreeze and brake fluid.
POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL(PEG): is a caustic substance used to dissolve grease. found in oven cleaner and most skin cleansers.

Are we taking unnecessary risks by not doing a simple thing like reading a label?

Is it worth risking your health for the sake of beauty,when these days there are more and more natural alternatives available in our retail stores,supermarkets and online so we can have a more natural way to enhance our beauty. Without the extra costs!

Alison Jones http://www.pureessenceproducts.bravehost.com

Natural Beauty Products That Don't Cost The Earth.

Description: What Does Beauty Really Cost?

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Reviewer: Cute

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