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The Ultimate Exfoliating Treat

You?ve had a busy week and now it?s time to get what you truly deserve - a spa quality exfoliating treatment. A week?s worth of skin has piled up and started to make your complexion just a little duller than normal, moisturisers don?t seem to do what they used to and you really need to spoil yourself before you resort to a quart of ice-cream.

Banish the gray tint from your skin by exfoliating once a week. Those with oily skin can pull it off twice a week without a hitch. Keep in mind though, that more is not necessarily better - layers of dead skin protect the new skin underneath. Don?t do this everyday. 8 Step Deluxe Treatment

1. So where to start? Before you get wet, use a dry loofah sponge to slough off the really loose skin - don?t scrub, just run it over your skin gently.

2. Get wet (unless you use Coco Luv Chocolate Body Scrub - it?s for use on dry skin).

3. Apply an exfoliant with hands or a cloth, rubbing in a circular motion. Spend some time with this step - the idea here is not just to scrub off the dead skin, but to stimulate circulation as well. (I should note here that the more time you spend scrubbing your behind, the faster you will be able to break up the fatty deposits that cause the appearance of cellulite.)

4. Rough spots deserve a little more attention. Really rough spots, like heels, might need the help of a pumice stone to soften them up.

5. Rinse off thoroughly. Do not use soap.

6. Dry off.

7. Apply an intensive moisturiser head to toe.

8. Wrap up in your favourite bathrobe and snuggle up with a good book and a cup of tea.

So, if your now thinking ?Great, like I have time for all that!? Try this one on for size: The Quickie

So you gotta clean yourself anyway right? Forget the soap - Do a salt glow! Grab a handful of bath salt and add a couple squirts of bath & body oil to it. Now scrub your wet self like a madwoman. This can be a heavy duty scrub (lots of salt, a little oil) or a gentle scrub (lots of oil, a little salt) - it's your choice. Now rinse, dry and taadaa - Your done! Now give yourself a quick second to admire your butter-soft skin.

Ivy Mills has been researching chemical sensitivity and natural alternatives for over five years and has brought her knowledge to the marketplace in her company, Valhalla Essences. Her personal experiences have fed a passion to help others with the same problem. Ivy welcomes others to share their stories and experiences on her blog, Peaceful Power.

Description: The Ultimate Exfoliating Treat

Rating: 4.5

Reviewer: Cute

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