Many skin products that claim to reduce wrinkles and/or prevent aging skin generally consist of static chemicals that prop up the skin temporarily or give it a more appealing appearance.
Healing and/or reversing the effects of skin damage must go deeper than that if one is to achieve more effective results. It must actually strive to repair the damage itself.
Damage to skin is often the result of persistent assaults to the DNA of cells that sustain and support the organ we call or skin. The damage is most commonly the result of exposure to harmful sunlight and/or toxic chemicals applied to the skin in the form of skin care products over one's life time.
The effects of such factors on the skin can include a change in the overall texture, a decrease or unevenness in the tone, thinning, the development of age spots, wrinkles all of which undermine overall appearance.
This process which many accept as the aging process is also accompanied by a decreased ability to produce collagen, a protein that is responsible for the integrity of the top layer of the skin, also known as the epidermis and thus leads to thinning of the skin. Collagen is normally produced by cells called fibroblasts under the skin. These fibroblasts tend to produce less collagen as one ages. Aging as you likely also know is in large part related to the overall integrity of the functioning liver (please see my article: If You Look After Your Liver You Will Live Forever).
The liver's function is to detoxify the body regularly. If it starts to under function toxins can accumulate in various organ systems, including the skin, and disrupt their normal functional capacities. This along with the damage done to the skin directly by factors mentioned above are in part the reason that fibroblasts under function with age. Much of this under functioning is the result of damaged DNA fragments in the nuclei of these cells.
Unless skin care products can repair or reverse this damage in some way one is being fooled into believing that any real benefit is being afforded by them.
A new scientifically tested product known as ART developed by Gary Young N.D. has been designed to specifically address this very issue.
Two enzymes in ART i.e. Photolyase and Endonuclease act to a) replenish damaged DNA fragments and b) repair damaged sections of DNA with these replenished fragments respectively. The net effect is to restore fibroblast activity and collagen producing capacity.
These enzymes are also supported by the presence two Essential Oils that have been used to address skin cancers: Frankencense and Sandalwood
The benefits shown to accrue from this approach have been documented wrinkle reduction, increased elasticity of the skin, softer skin, increased and more even skin tone, and a firmer appearance to the skin. All of this in under two months of using ART.
To view before and after photos or to get more information on ART you can visit:
Alternately you can visit my web site below.
Nick Arrizza M.D. is trained in medicine and psychiatry. He is also an international healer and coach as well as the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process(TM) MRP.
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