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Dry Itchy Skin

Dry itchy skin is an aggravating condition. Heating systems dry out the air in our homes and offices, which in turn depletes the moisture in our skin. This is why dry itchy skin is more prevalent in the winter months. A first step in soothing dry itchy skin is to add moisture to the air so that it doesn't dry out the skin. Using a humidifier in your bedroom will give your skin a fighting chance against itchy dryness.

Certain medical conditions can cause dry itchy skin, too. Four of these are dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and seborrhea. Dermatitis refers to an itchy skin condition caused by contact to a substance you are allergic to. Poison ivy is an obvious example. Less common is being allergic to the laundry detergent you use. Sometimes changing laundry detergents makes a big difference when dealing with dry itchy skin. If you think this might be contributing to your dry itchy skin problem, look for a laundry detergent that says hypoallergenic on the label. Another idea is to give your sheets an extra rinse when doing the laundry. An extra rinse will help get all the detergent out of the sheets. Be careful about the type of fabric softener sheets you use, or consider hanging the sheets on the line to dry. In addition to giving them that outdoor freshness, the sunshine will kill any germs that might be in them.

Eczema is a kind of itchy rash that oozes or weeps. It is sometimes associated with dry skin. Children sometimes have this condition. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means it's a condition that is caused by the body's immune system getting mixed up and attacking the body itself. The itching of psoriasis is maddening, as anyone who has the condition can tell you. It is also a frustrating condition because it causes unsightly patches all over you. Psoriasis can be aggravated by being nervous. Seborrheah, which is characterized by flaking and redness, sometimes develops after a hospital stay. It is often found on the face or in folds of skin.

To combat dry itchy skin, use a skin moisturizer, but for best results, don't simply slather lotion all over your dry body. First soak in a lukewarm tub of water for 15 minutes. This will hydrate your skin cells. Now, gently pat yourself almost dry and then smooth on the moisturizer. The purpose of a moisturizer is not to add oil to dry itchy skin, but to trap the moisture (water) after it is already there. The moisturizer can be any lotion or oil that will seal the water into your dry itchy skin so that it can't dehydrate again as easily.

When looking for a moisturizer or ointment for dry itchy skin, there are some natural ingredients to look for, so read the label. One of these ingredients is zinc. This mineral comes in different forms. Zinc citrate protects against infection from bacteria, microbes, and fungus. Zinc picolinate moves through cells and heals them. L-lysine is an amino acid (part of protein) which is used in skin care medicines. It normalizes cell division and soothes irritation that other healing ingredients might cause. MSM is a health food supplement that is usually taken by mouth for arthritis. When it is added to an ointment, it adds moisture to dry itchy skin and acts to stop the itch.

Sometimes you can find a medicine or moisturizer for dry itchy skin packaged in a spray bottle. This is a nice way to apply the medicine to parts of the body you can't easily reach. It also is soothing because you don't have to rub the raw irritated skin with anything.

Scratching dry itchy skin is a bad idea. Sometimes when a person scratches the itch becomes worse, so they scratch more. The result can be a rough patch of thickened skin that looks darker than the rest of the body. Doctors have an unpronounceable name for this condition - lichen simplex chronicus. It doesn't have anything to do with the lichen that grow on rocks. If you've been diagnosed with the disorder, you may have thought it was some sort of a parasite because of the word lichen in the name. Rest assured, all it means is that you've succumbed to the urge to scratch too much! Finding a medicine that stops the itching, such as one containing MSM or cortisone, will help you overcome the urge.

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit http://www.dry-skin-care-guide.com for essential skin care tips.

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