The reason why 90% of women do their make-up wrong is the complexity of techniques created over the last one hundred years as makeup artist as a rule use the subjective method and not the objective method. To further elaborate on this subject you are at the hands of a sole creation within the mind of an artist and how they perceive you or you are doing your own makeup application and you also use the subjective method that you have learned from books, magazines or your self creation of what you think makes you look good. The problem is you are inside looking out and not outside looking in. You see what you want not necessarily what really is going on.
The correct method of make-up application involves the objective method, which means you need rules to follow and a guide to all the variables contained there in. There are 10 rules to makeup application and these rules are fool proof, however if you break one rule you will do your makeup incorrect and will have defeated your purpose.
To the best of my knowledge I am the only research makeup artist who has spent 10 years of research and development of the ten rules that work on all women of the world, this means every face shape, skin tone skin hue, blending colors, non-blending colors and perhaps more importantly the in-between colors you have never considered, as well as the missing variables never put in print to this very day! This is the research that has been brought forward to the 21st century. Note: The 10 rules are not in this article, watch for them in future articles.
Once you learn your focal points and point-of-view and have a special tool that will guide you to the center of your face, your on your way to the perfect you and the ability to appear up to 7 years younger with the correct array of color choices that suit you own needs. Once you know the10 rules you can return to the subjective method, because you will be able to create any look or facial creation you so chose knowing that you will look amazing to say the least.
Here are a few makeup tips: If you have brown eyes never use blue eye shadow why you ask, well brown and blue are clashing colors and are also not-blending colors these colors together are not even close in the color spectrum nor can they create a balance to eye art in any way, however these colors can be used in fashion when the correct hues are mixed with a blending color. For eye art they are never to be used together.
If you ware red lipstick and you are not a true winter season you will washout your focal points and the point of view, as well as clash to tonal balance to skin tone and hue, a bad choice and the color red has sexual connotations and always have since the early 50?s all light skin such as summer and springs should never ware red also if you have red hues or tones to your skin, this color will have to much contrast and will washout. The only thing people will see is your lipstick need I say more, OK I will, red is harsh and is not a blending color to a women?s face in less your skin tone is very dark like ebony. Red depicts an aging factor to all women at any age it draws your viewer to a closer look to your age lines smile lines and frown lines, I don?t think you want to do this do you? If you are 14 years old and want to look older just use bright red lipstick and you will appear at least 5 years older. Dark red lipstick will age you even more.
Oil based foundation must be used with great caution as they clog your pores, this will be a paradox statement in that it does have one positive use and that is, it won?t aloud environmental impurities to penetrate your sheer mantle of skin. If you use it be sure to clean your face well and use the standard regime before application and only use an application that covers your face in a good balance to create the frame of your face don?t load it on. The newer foundations with a water base are better for you all around.
Lipstick tips: If your lipstick does not have built in sun screen apply some to your lips before the application, if you are out in the sun anything that shines draws the sun to that area and will make your lips chapped.
Blush Tips: This application is the biggest abuse of make-up application and has been for many years your goal is not to look like a clown but rather healthily this means a natural look. If you follow the guidelines of most make-up artist and magazines in print today you will have done it incorrect. Why you ask? I will tell you blush has only one place on your face and that is the apple of your check bone, not on your forehead, nose, and chin if you read this from an artist they are using methods that are outdated some one hundred years and in some cases longer than that.
The correct technique is to purchase a good brush and pick the correct color hue to your skin tone of course you must first know all the variables there in; as too are you a solid season or a crossover to dual season, this can be very complex at times but not for everyone. If you choose the wrong blush hue or tone you will age your self and destroy all makeup application, because the only thing that will stand out is your misuse of blush. If some one tells you to use plumb, deep rose or anything darker you must be a winter to the depth of ebony, should you be spring, summer or fall they are wrong!
The major makeup companies don?t know anything about blush; they just sell what you buy in fact you control the colors they make by buying them. Did you know allot of women have facial hair regardless of it being blond or very light, hair holds abuse amounts of blush this is why it is important to apply it always in a down ward stroke and before doing so always tap the excess blush on the brush by tapping it over a paper plate.
While making fish lips apply it on the upper check bone only and always finish with a natural translucent power on you entire face, this is the setting of makeup application and the end of the center of your face, which are your own best features. Now if you follow what others tell you and put blush on you forehead, nose chin or any other place you have done your makeup wrong. Honest is the best policy it never returns to bite you and this is why I am giving you tad bits of information. The end results of blush should be a slight color change to your skin hue and tone. The rule is a soft change that is not noticeable to the human eye, yet enough color to make you appear healthily. Here ends this tad bit of information I hope it was food for thought Serjame.
? 2006 Artemus by Serjame 90% of women do their makeup wrong!
I have been a makeup artist since 1963 yes I am old now, but not without wisdom. I have worker with Mr. Wetmore of Universal Studios and fashion artist across the globe. I started with models at International models & associates. I wrote a book on how to be a supermodel and was a feature writer for the western photographer. I am a research makeup artist with amazing makeup techniques with the end goal to make women appear 7 years younger and guide them to their correct technique too applying makeup correctly.
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